Alright, be honest – when was the last time you flossed?
If you’re like most Americans, you likely didn’t answer favorably to that question. In fact, 20% of Americans never floss, and only four in ten floss at least once a day.
Flossing is an important part of maintaining great oral health. In fact, it’s the most effective method for cleaning in between teeth and cleaning around your gum line.
Most brands of dental floss are made from either monofilament or braided nylon strands. They are available in various thicknesses and different flavors. Some brands of dental floss also have a waxy coating to help it slide easier between teeth.
There is no clinical difference between waxed or unwaxed dental floss, and any added flavors are simply a matter of personal preference because they have no bearing on the floss’s ability to clean between your smile.
When you are working the floss between your teeth, it’s important to be gentle and patient. Forcing or snapping the strand of dental floss in place could cause an injury to your gums.
Once the strand of dental floss is in place, curve it into a U shape then work it back and forth between each tooth. Then, work it along the gumline to remove any residual plaque or food particles trapped in the area. Be sure to floss behind your back teeth as well.
If you need tips on flossing, or have questions on which brand Dr. Robert Haas recommends, then please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’re more than happy to answer any and all of your questions.