Dental bridges are strong and reliable dental restorations that can give you the results you desire. However, sometimes they can be a bit confusing and overwhelming, which can lead to many questions. So, if you have questions about dental bridges in Lebanon, Ohio, our dentist, Dr. Robert Haas, and dental team are happy to give you answers to commonly asked questions.
What makes someone a good candidate for a dental bridge?
If you have a missing tooth and the surrounding teeth are strong and healthy, you are a good candidate for a dental bridge. It’s vital to replace your missing tooth to keep the neighboring teeth from moving into the gap, and it’s important that the surrounding teeth are healthy and strong because they will hold the restoration in place.
What can a dental bridge do for me?
A dental bridge can help you in a myriad of ways. It can replace your missing tooth, give you a complete smile, and boost your self-esteem. It can give you a functional mouth, help you eat and talk much easier, and help you avoid tooth misalignment. Lastly, it can help you love your appearance.
Does placing a dental bridge hurt?
Our dental team works hard to provide comfortable dental treatments for all our patients. So, we will do everything we can to help you have the best appointment possible. We will also use a numbing agent to numb your mouth before you start treatment. This will help you avoid feeling any discomfort.
Call Family Dentistry, Inc. today at 513-932-6991 if you have additional questions or if you would like to know more. Our dental team is more than happy to help you, and we look forward to hearing from you!