When you’re taking care of your mouth, do you ever notice that your gums start to bleed? Despite what you may have heard, bleeding gums aren’t normal. While your gums might bleed for a number of reasons, there may be several things you can do to avoid the issue.
Your gums might be bleeding because of gum disease. Gum disease is a serious issue that can lead to problems such as bad breath, shifting teeth, and even tooth loss. Fortunately, you can typically avoid this issue if you brush and floss well. However, if your gum disease isn’t addressed, it could become worse.
Your gums could also bleed if you’ve recently started flossing your teeth again. This bleeding should stop within a week. If it doesn’t, please set up an appointment with us as soon as you can. Similarly, please note that your gums shouldn’t bleed while you brush your teeth. If they do, you could be brushing too hard or using a brush with bristles that are too stiff.
Certain medications can also cause your gums to bleed, so please remember to tell our team about any medications you may be taking when you visit us. If you’re interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to give Family Dentistry, Inc. a call at 513-932-6991. Dr. Robert Haas and our team look forward to hearing from you soon.